Equity Board Background Info
Why the Equity Board?
Hey everyone!
It would be ignorant of me not to acknowledge that this initiative came out of the growing social movements across the nation. Out of these tensions, newsrooms began to see a need for DEI representation and programs to embrace more equitable practices in reporting. Personally, I don’t think we needed to see so many people die, by police brutality or any other systemic oppression, for us to think about discrimination in all facets of life. I think this work was needed the first day I stepped into the Media Center.
I started these briefs as a way to share what I, myself, was learning in the work I was doing to rebuild communications with the different communities at USC, listening to the ways they’ve felt discriminated against by news organizations like ours.
Over the course of the semester we’ve developed a mission statement, a growing understanding of our role in the newsroom, and a plan of action for what we want to do. I started these briefs as a way to share what I, myself, was learning in the work I was doing to rebuild communications with the different communities at USC, listening to the ways they’ve felt discriminated against by news organizations like ours.
I wanted to first share that, yes, we fucked up. We’ve failed your community. We are owning up to it. Now, how do we move forward to do better? I’ve been collecting information, interviews, resources, etc. for a renewed Annenberg Media Style Guide on Equitable Reporting.
Action Steps
We’ve been connecting to all desks and hearing what they want to change and how we can help. We’ve helped in the editing and reporting process to ensure stories acknowledge and embrace diversity. We’ve also practiced oversight on the work Annenberg Media produces to see what we are doing great and what needs to change.
For next semester, we hope to continue to expand on these actions. This may look like collaborations with cultural organizations or even publishing articles as Equity Board. It may look like open meetings with the newsroom and the community. It may look like a lot of things, but nothing is completely solid. However, we’re developing the board every day and we are excited to see how it can change the newsroom as a whole.
As we transition into 2021, I want to remind everyone that we are here as a resource to you. Right now we are working internally, but feel free to send MJs and volunteers our way. We are here to help in any capacity to make the most out of your reporting. I look forward to the new year and the new initiatives we create with Annenberg Media to make it better than ever before.
Steven Vargas