Equity Board Brief #16

Annenberg’s reporting on Chauvin Trial & Updates

Annenberg Media Coverage of Chauvin’s Trial




Equity Board Full Circle Moment

This week has been heavy for a lot of people, and I’m proud of everyone who reported through the Chauvin trial. Full disclosure, I stepped out of my apartment to run a quick errand when everything came in and I ended up planted in DTLA, editing and messaging people from my phone (thank you technology!). As chaotic as the situation was as I made my way back home, it gave me a full understanding of what Equity Board is to this newsroom and the importance it has here. 

I found myself running from channel to channel, editing and discussing specific concerns about coverage across multiple desks (as I caught the bus back home). After a full year of trying to formulate what impact this group can have, I experienced it. 


I’m really looking forward to seeing how we continue to grow. This has been the first full year with Equity Board and we have already made so much progress, but there is still so much more to do. 


I can honestly say that it is unlike most newsrooms to have this kind of cross-discipline role dedicated to facilitating discussions on sensitive events and underrepresented groups. 


Equity Board Meeting Update

In our Equity Board meeting this week, we discussed how our ultimate goal is to get to a point where you don’t need us. We want to continue to facilitate conversations through workshops, briefs, meetings, etc that investigate our reporting practices and how we can make it more inclusive and respectful for our community. We want to get to a point where every reporter and editor has strong judgment and practices that are culturally competent and cognizant of social issues. Of course, there will be things that come up on a case-to-case basis, but we trust that everyone will gain the skills and confidence to embrace equitable reporting practices.

In our Equity Board meeting this week, we discussed how our ultimate goal is to get to a point where you don’t need us


Lastly, here is a link to Annenberg Media’s Guide to Equitable Reporting Strategies and Newsroom Style where you can find more guidance: http://bit.ly/AnnMediaEquitableReportingGuide  

Stay safe and reach out to any of the Equity Board members if you need help with anything! 


Lots of love! 

Steven Vargas

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Contact the Media Center

Media Center Director, Professor Christina Bellantoni

Annenberg Media Executive Editors, Lyla Bhalla-Ladd and Zain Kahn
bhallala@usc.edu zainkhan@usc.edu

Annenberg Media Assignment Desk:
(213) 740-3847

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