ATVN livestreaming guide

Log into streaming computer
User: OBS Operator
Password is on the Password Cheatsheet on Slack, it’s the same as the other shared computers in the Media Center.


Open Chrome, go to


Schedule a new stream:
Click Create, Go Live
Click Schedule Stream
Select Reuse Settings


Get the Title, Description and Thumbnail from #livestream-managers on Slack
These should be posted by a Producer and Art Director
Rest of the settings should be good!


Open OBS, select the preshow scene and hit Start Streaming on OBS
If the preview doesn’t show up on your Youtube streaming dashboard, check that OBS is
set to the ATVN/See It Live profile


Share the link to the show in #general
It’s good if you include a personal note, like “hi everyone, tonight’s show is about ___. Please share and watch live! -Graham”


Three minutes before air
Make sure the preshow loop is playing on OBS
Then click GO LIVE on YouTube


Once you can see the stream is live on YouTube, switch to OBS
Tell the Assistant Director the stream is ready over your headset


Listen to the Assistant Director countdown

Switch from the preshow loop to Program on OBS the moment the show begins!

Look at the live chat during the show. Encourage interaction and remove bots or trolls.


RUNNING BREAKS (note: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ATVN only)
Watch the show and pay attention to when the breaks are coming. You can follow on the rundown and listen for the tease music, as well as when the hosts say something like ‘stay tuned for…’


Turn the intercom to the Assistant Director on by tapping the button on the intercom panel. Leave it on.

When the Program feed goes black, switch to a BREAK on OBS.
Tell the Assistant Director “Rolling break!”


Look at how much time is left in the break. Let the Assistant Director know how much time remains.
Say: “One minute!” “30 seconds” “15 seconds”
Count the last 10 seconds: “10.. 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… break over.”


Repeat two more times



Click Stop Streaming on OBS

When the YouTube preview starts showing the loading circle, hit Stop Stream on YouTube

About This Site

This is a resource hub to help student reporters at the Annenberg Media Center.

If you’re new to the Media Center, check out this one-page guide to see what it’s all about.

Contact the Media Center

Media Center Director, Professor Christina Bellantoni

Annenberg Media Executive Editors, Lyla Bhalla-Ladd and Zain Kahn

Annenberg Media Assignment Desk:
(213) 740-3847

For equipment-related issues:
(213) 740-5739