Managing Annenberg Media’s YouTube channel via your USC email

If you’ve been approved as a manager of the Annenberg Media Youtube channel you can upload videos, edit existing content, and do anything else you need to on Youtube without any login beyond your normal USC email.

Here’s how you access the channel via Youtube studio. First login to your email, and then go to


1. Click on your user icon in the upper right and select “Youtube Studio.” This is Youtube’s dashboard for managing content, as compared to using Youtube only as a viewer.

Screenshot of youtube studio login process


2. Once you’re in Youtube studio, click the user icon in the upper right again, and select “Switch Account.”

Screenshot of youtube studio login process


3. Now you’ll see all the channels and accounts connected to your USC email. Select the “Annenberg Media” channel, right underneath your USC email.

Screenshot of youtube studio login process


4. You’re in! This is our channel dashboard. Bookmark this page, and you can jump right back to it as long as you’re logged into your USC email.

Screenshot of youtube studio login process


About This Site

This is a resource hub to help student reporters at the Annenberg Media Center.

If you’re new to the Media Center, check out this one-page guide to see what it’s all about.

Contact the Media Center

Media Center Director, Professor Christina Bellantoni

Annenberg Media Executive Editors, Lyla Bhalla-Ladd and Zain Kahn

Annenberg Media Assignment Desk:
(213) 740-3847

For equipment-related issues:
(213) 740-5739